Fall Front Porch Decor | Easy DIY on a Budget

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Today I’m sharing our fall front porch decor with y’all! These beautiful cheap and natural ideas are not only easy to make but they are fun for the whole family. There are so many great fall decorating tips out there so make sure to discover your style and go from there!

I love to make decor and come up with new ideas but nothing compares to getting my entire family involved! Sometimes they all roll their eyes at me and think I have finally lost my mind.

I decided that our front porch fall decor would be a family project. What better way to get in some family time over one of the last warm weekends – am I right?

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Scavenger Hunt Nature Walk to Find Materials

I have to say this has been the greatest family fun idea we have had in a very long time. Our list really wasn’t much of a list at all, to be honest. We set out with a shopping bag and a pair of scissors.

The only instructions were to gather anything that was red, orange, yellow or looking like it had been touched by fall.

My husband shocked me by getting involved and he found so many great items for us to use. The kids divided up, one to hold the bag and comment on how beautiful everything looked that we gathered. The other ran ahead to find anything orange that she could set her gaze on.

Our oldest stayed with her dad to ‘ensure’ he was gathering the ‘appropriate’ items. To be perfectly honest, our dear oldest daughter thought we were nuts!

We also gathered items from our neighbors and from a friend’s farm. We have a lot of trees in our yard so it seemed a little silly to go and bring home leaves from another yard that I will have to pick up too haha.

But a different yard means different trees and different colors and styles of leaves to choose from!

Pumpkin Patch for the Front Porch

We had the Kids do a Fall craft creating pumpkins from wood slices – make sure you head on over to check out the tutorial on that.

pumpkin patch for front porch fall decor

They did such a great job and made me so proud to see them work so well together.

Creating a Crate for the Kids Pumpkin Patch Craft

Once the kids were done they went and found some mud to craft the perfect ‘Birthday Cake’, (2 baths in one day and they may still have gone to bed with mud between their toes!)

While they were busy I made a cute little crate.

crate for pumpkin decor

It’s just 16 inches long by 10 inches wide and 6 inches high. I used scraps for the materials and it came together quickly using a drill to predrill and an impact driver to screw together.

Not one crack in the thin scrap wood!

Fall Decor Mini Sign for Front Porch Pumpkin Display

I took a piece of scrap farmhouse trim and spray painted a quick stencil I made on my silhouette.

Remember when you spray paint to do a few thin coats otherwise you will get runs in the paint.

Burlap Front Porch Fall Decor

burlap front porch fall decor

I took some burlap and created some bows in a swag to hang above the door. This burlap from Amazon is great for making bows. I added some live colorful stems to each side to add some fall vibrancy to our front porch.

Because I used binder rings to create the bows I am able to slip them into the j-channel to secure them above the door. They add a subtle farmhouse charm that is easy on the eyes and does not take away from the rest of the front porch fall decor!

Rustic Window adds Farmhouse Charm to Fall Porch Decor!

window with fall decor

I love old windows and I love not committing to just one use for a window either. The window used in our fall porch decor is the same window I use in our Christmas Wreath Tutorial!

Gathered Leaves and Twigs Spread About

From the scavenger hunt, we collected all sorts of beautiful fall colored items and arranged them in groups throughout our front porch fall decor display. The leaves I simply dropped from above to fall into place.

We tucked some red-hued grass in amongst the various items too!

Looking for More Family Fun Ideas? Head on over to our Family Activities for Winter Break!

Family Fall Fun Wrapped Up!

We really enjoyed our weekend hunting for beautiful fall colors and using our imaginations. Involving the kids makes it even that much more fun, they have an eye for things we just don’t see. I’m already planning how we are going to do something great for Christmas too!

Thank you so much for coming to our front porch fall decor post! I hope it inspires you to gather up your family and have some fun together to creating something beautiful and unique.

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