P90X3 CVX Review & Moves

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Today is day 5 of my P90X3 workout, which is P90X3 CVX. CVX stands for cardiovascular exercise – or maybe extreme – , which means this may be my least favorite P90X3 workout. We will find out, and I’ll give you a breakdown of CVX with pictures, modifications (if necessary), and my honest opinions.

This blog post was originally written in January 2014, when I did P90X3 for the first time. To regain strength after last year’s shoulder surgery, I created a custom workout plan. My plan includes my favorite P90X3 workouts, so I am updating my old tips here for you!

Click here to see my full review and some before/after photos and results from P90X3!

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What is P90X3 CVX?

P90X3 CVX is cardio exercise mixed with weight training without much rest.  It keeps your heart rate and metabolism ramped up for max results.

Length: 30 minutes (33:30 if you include the cooldown) – with 4 rounds of exercises

Equipment needed: light weight if you are using one (I used 5 pounds and it was DEFINITELY enough for today), and something to hop over. He says use a towel, but I just used the tape that’s still on my floor from Tuesday. – Need a weight? Grab these adjustable dumbbells from Amazon.

P90X3 CVX materials

P90X3 Workout Program: Beachbody has discontinued the DVD version of P90X3, but it is available for streaming on Beachbody On Demand. You may also be able to find a used version on resale sites.

Unlike most other X3 workouts, this one didn’t include a warm-up. We just went straight into the first set.

P90X3 CVX Moves

CVX Set 1

Press Jacks – holding your one weight in your hands, press up while you do jacks for a minute.
Atlas Twists – still holding that weight, lower it to the floor on the left, then twist up and reach it high to the right. Switch sides after :30.
March & Reach – Hold weight overhead, lower it as you raise your straight leg up to meet the weight at about hip height.
Repeat this set again, then take a :20 break.

CVX Set 2

Traveling Tire Twist – kind of like high knees forward and back as you twist your weight from hip to hip. This one works the obliques.
Frog Squat Reach – frog squats with an overhead reach with the weight
Arc Press Lunge – just like it sounds, lunge with the arms arcing overhead between each side. I feel like I just didn’t make any sense at all with that description….
Repeat this set again, then :30 break.

P90X3 CVX balance pull
Don’t mind these old photos of mine – I haven’t updated them yet!

CVX Set 3

Hop Overs – (put down your weight) hop over your towel (or tape)
Balance Pull – with weight on one leg, do a standing crunch with weight to opposite knee
Twist & Pivot – remember this move from the usual warm-up? Keep head straight, hold weight at chest level, and do that twisting pivot motion. It’s kinda fun.
Repeat again, then quick break.

Amanda Seghetti demonstrating P90X3 CVX twist and pivot home workout movement

CVX Set 4

Last set! Stay strong!

Side Reach Jumps – self-explanatory, with weight in hand
Crescent Chair – also self-explanatory, just do crescent chair with weight in hand
Globe Squatters – in a wide squat, move weight in a circle motion and then do a squat hop, and repeat while staying in the squat position the whole time. Burn!!

P90X3 CVX crescent chair with Amanda Seghetti

This last set doesn’t go through a full minute repeat set, but instead moves to the Burnout for the last 2-3 minutes. We did about :30 for each of those three moves, at top speed. Then it was over!

At the end, Tony does a cooldown for about 3:30. You will definitely need to do it. Even with the light weight, all those reps are making your arms screeeeammm. And if you aren’t pouring sweat, you aren’t doing something right.

Have you done P90X3 Total Synergistics yet? Check out my review!

My Review of P90X3 CVX

While cardio really isn’t my favorite, I LOVE using weights. I never thought I’d like weighted cardio but it was a great workout! I enjoyed this one way more than I expected!

This was a great cardio burn, and actually made me feel like I was working hard. I can tell P90X3 CVX is going to be one of my favorites.

I definitely recommend using a light weight for these, because you want to use good form throughout. If you want to start with a heavier weight (maybe 8-10 pounds), do so only until you can’t complete the moves with perfect form. Then drop to a lighter weight and finish.

And make sure you include some additional stretching and foam rolling to keep your muscles from getting too tight and achy! You want to be able to do the next workout tomorrow, which is P90X3 The Warrior. Are you ready for it?

Amanda Seghetti profile

Amanda is a mom of 4 living a mostly crunchy lifestyle outside of Atlanta, GA with her husband, 2 dogs, and a cat. As a former special education teacher who also has her personal training certification — Amanda really enjoys teaching others how to do things!

When she’s not working, Amanda enjoys DIY projects, exercising, photography, hiking, and long walks through Target.

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