11 Romantic Bedroom Date Ideas for Couples
If you’re looking to take your regular date nights to a more intimate level, try one of these bedroom date ideas in the comfort of your own home. You may be surprised at how you can have a special night with your sweetheart without ever having to leave your house – or your bedroom!
Are you looking for a great way to try new things with your partner? When was the last time y’all went out? Are you both pressed for time, with your overloaded work schedules, and just the chaos of being parents?
Life in general can be stressful, and so fast-paced that you lose track of how to spend quality time with your significant other. So many factors are added in when it comes to planning regular date night.
First, you have to find a babysitter that is trustworthy and capable of waking care of your most valuable people in the world, the kids! We all know how stressful that is.
Then, you have to factor in schedules. When is a good time for both of you to have extra time to go out of town to a nice place? Total time, maybe 5 or 6 hours, more if you want to watch a movie or go bowling.
Then comes the expense of everything – a babysitter will cost around $50 for one kid (I have 4!), then the dinner for two with dessert will be another $80 at least, and if you add in a movie, there goes another $30! $160 at least, for a date…..
On average (in 2018) the cost to raise a child between the ages of 0-17 was $1,145 a month!!! For 1 child!
How are you supposed to keep the romance alive? How can you enjoy a romantic night if you have to worry about bills when planning it?
Glad you asked. I’ll tell you how!
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11 Great Bedroom Date Ideas for Couples
Bring the spice back to your relationship with these home date night ideas! Healthy relationships make happy marriages. Happy marriages make happy kids.
Make your new hobby into learning your partner’s love language and have more fun than you have had in a very long time. Relax and bring the excitement that you both had on the first date.
You don’t need to wait for Friday night for your next date night. When it’s time for the kids to go to bed, just leave the living room and make your bedroom anywhere you want to be! Enjoy!
Breakfast In Bed
This is simple, but appreciated so much by both partners. It’s easy to overlook and think it’s nothing much, but if you have ever had breakfast in bed, YOU KNOW it is great!
No kids asking for more cereal, or spilling milk on the floor, no getting dressed to face the day. That is, I think, the best part. Not getting dressed.
Maybe tell your partner to sleep in and wait until the kids get on the bus for school or tell them to go play quietly outside and surprise your partner with breakfast. A nice home cooked breakfast. Very minimal expense and starting the day off with a smile.
Dining Destination
This is similar to breakfast in bed, but not breakfast time. Turn your bedroom into anywhere you want to go.
Set the mood with candle light dinner, rose petals on the bed and around the room, like a fancy hotel room. Make this a romantic night, and maybe do a wine tasting.
If you don’t want to cook, you can order out from your favorite restaurant, with all the new delivery services that are available now. You are still saving money from not paying a babysitter, and being that you brought the wine, you aren’t paying $15 a glass!
So drink up and enjoy this fun idea.
Related: Delicious drink recipes you have to try
Music and Drinks
You don’t have to have a dinner date for this one. You can enjoy the regular family routine with eating dinner as a family; then once the kids are in bed, it’s off to the bedroom to have a great time.
Simple quality time is more important than a luxurious date. A walk to the bedroom takes less time and is way safer than all the traffic that you have to drive through to get to a “date night”.
Married couples can “go out” in their bedroom! Put on a mixture of y’alls favorite songs. Get the ingredients to make your favorite cocktails, sit back and talk to each other like old friends would.
That’s what y’all are. Friends! Start acting like it.
Best friends can be happy anywhere, talking about anything. Stop trying to set the bar so high that you think you need to go out to be happy. Home is where the heart is.
Related: Get more home date ideas here!
Dessert Date
Now, I can totally get down with this idea. A dinner date is fine, but what if you focused on the sweet stuff instead?
Plan ahead and either buy or make some desserts, like chocolate covered strawberries (my favorite), tiramisu, ice cream, pie, cake or even just some cookies and milk will do. A sweet treat for a sweet couples night.
You can get the recipe for this healthy-ish parfait here!
While you enjoy your sweet foodie-themed night, focus on your relationship. Unwind with each other and talk about things. Start simple.
Talk about your favorite date. Do a “Remember when” session, those are usually pretty funny. Or just talk about some of the best parts of your relationship – maybe reminisce about when the kids were born, or the day y’all got married.
Try not to bring up anything negative; this is date night, not couples’ therapy night.
Wine and Charcuterie Board
If you aren’t into sweets as much, grab the bottle of wine, or grab a few different bottles and bring out the magical, and most delicious charcuterie board, consisting of yummy meats, cheeses, fruits, nuts, spreads, and different crackers.
All the deliciousness!
A great date can really be this simple. You will be surprised at how much better a bedroom date it! And the bonus points for a bedroom date, is that the bed is right there!
No need for a $200 hotel room, when you have your bedroom that is already paid for.
Talk Time
Now, if you need a night of Talk Time, then I suggest you take it. However, go into this date with an open mind. Neither one of you needs to walk into this as a therapy session. Talk to each other about your concerns, or your insecurities and make suggestions on how to make it better.
Have a good time with this night. Maybe make it into a fun game. Make your own version of Cards Against Humanity and find funny solutions to the issues, but hey, maybe some will work as a real solution.
If you need a little bit of prompting, try this set of conversation starter cards to get things going!
Trivia Night
I’m not the best at trivia, but I do enjoy a little friendly competition. Whether you are good or not so good at trivia, this is still a date that you will have so much fun on. Maybe even take it to the next level and play charades with the trivia.
Make your own trivia cards, or your own charades to see if you can get your partner to guess right. I bet you will have the time of your lives!
We have a list of fun couples trivia questions that you may want to check out!
Indoor Campout
This will be a blast! I love camping, and so do my kids. In this case, let the kids camp out in the living room and you and your partner camp out in the bedroom.
Maybe take a new meaning to “Build a fort out of sheets”. Make a pretend fire with fake candles, have some campfire snacks ready, like s’mores or sandwiches.
Make a picnic spread across the bedroom floor and tell each other campfire stories, or memories from your childhood that may be fun.
Game Night
Are you or your partner a gamer? Maybe devote a night to simply playing games. Whether it be video games, board games, card games, whatever you and your partner like to do. Maybe mix it up a bit.
I personally don’t like video games that much; I prefer card games or board games. Do a little bit of what each of you like. Be open minded to suggestions on how to play better. Be patient and don’t be shy.
This is your partner you are playing with. The one who takes care of you when you are sick. It’s ok to lose to them.
Movie Night
This is another one of my favorite date nights. Movie night. Set your bedroom up like the theater. Maybe hang curtains around the room so it looks like the actual cinema.
Get all your movie snacks and soda. Maybe pick the movie you first watched together, or have a movie marathon. Maybe you guys want to watch the latest sports game, or you can be like me and my husband and binge watch The Office (again) or silly YouTube videos.
Whatever you choose, enjoy it. Don’t sit in silence. Feed each other popcorn, play with each other’s hair. Act like teenagers in the movie theater. Make it a fun night.
Related: Fun Ideas for Movie Night at Home!
Spa Date
Ahhhh yes, the Holy Grail of date nights. Get out the scented candles or the aromatic candles and light those babies up!
This is one of my most favorite ways to have a date night. You can spend as much time relaxing with this date. That is what it is for! Maybe start it off with a couple’s bubble bath. Make sure not to forget the essential oils to help set the mood.
Once out of the shower or tub, help each other with face masks. Then comes the best part.
And let me tell ya, when it’s date night spa night, those massages always end with a happy ending. *wink*
Amanda is a mom of 4 living a mostly crunchy lifestyle outside of Atlanta, GA with her husband, 2 dogs, and a cat. As a former special education teacher who also has her personal training certification — Amanda really enjoys teaching others how to do things!
When she’s not working, Amanda enjoys DIY projects, exercising, photography, hiking, and long walks through Target.