How We Cosleep with DockATot
UPDATE JAN 2023: Since publishing this blog post in 2018, the DockATot Deluxe+ has been determined by the CPSC to be unsafe for sleeping. I am leaving this review up, as there have been many parents searching for info on cosleeping with DockATot, and I want new parents to be aware that these products are no longer recommended for use due to suffocation risk.
“I’m never going to let my kids sleep in my bed.”
-Me, circa 2001
Isn’t it funny how we say things as a new parent, only to eat those words later? I swore I would never cosleep, because I had heard horror stories about kids who wouldn’t stop sleeping in their parents’ bed. I went so far as to spend half the night on the floor next to Eden’s crib, just to keep her out of my bed. Kaiden maybe spent 3 nights in my bed, and that’s when he was sick.
As a new mom, my plan was to always put my baby to sleep in their own room.
Then I had Aren.
To be fair, I didn’t successfully breastfeed my first two kids. I was able to send my husband in to help take care of them at times, for diaper changes or nighttime bottles.
With breastfeeding Aren, it was all me. And she nursed a LOT. I only started cosleeping with her when I accidentally fell asleep nursing her a few times.
That made me nervous. I was terrified of what could happen. I knew about the safe sleep practices that were recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics: put baby to sleep on their back, on a firm surface in a bare crib. No additional bedding, no sleep positioners, and no bed sharing.

But I also knew that many moms did cosleep with young babies, both in America as well as in other countries/cultures. They either let baby sleep in their adult bed, or used a bassinet or play yard next to their bed to easily nurse through the night.
For the first time, I decided to cosleep with my newborn baby.
I continued to cosleep with her, even though I would wake up afraid of something happening in the middle of the night. It was the only way we both got some sleep, and we all know how dangers sleep deprivation can be for new moms.
I was still super worried about the risk of SIDS until she was close to a year old.
Then I heard about the DockATot.

I only WISH I’d had a DockATot when Aren was a baby! After realizing how much stress this would have saved me, I knew I would want to have one for Rowen.

The DockATot can be used as a co-sleeper and playtime lounger. It creates a safe sleeping space in mom and dad’s bed – similar to baby nests – or can be used on the floor as a baby lounger or for tummy time! It comes in two sizes, the Dockatot Deluxe for 0-8 Months or the Dockatot Grand for 9-36 months. If I hadn’t already moved Aren to her own bed, the Grand dock would have been the perfect tool to help with that transition.
Designed in Sweden and handmade in Europe, the docks are all natural and 100% cotton. They are OEKO-TEX certified and tested for breathability to ensure safety for all babes. So I can sleep soundly knowing that my little sweetie is safe next to me!
We are starting with the Deluxe, but will definitely be sizing up to the Grand when Rowen outgrows it!

Amanda is a mom of 4 living a mostly crunchy lifestyle outside of Atlanta, GA with her husband, 2 dogs, and a cat. As a former special education teacher who also has her personal training certification — Amanda really enjoys teaching others how to do things!
When she’s not working, Amanda enjoys DIY projects, exercising, photography, hiking, and long walks through Target.
How did you end up liking the Dock-a-Tot?