Safe Protein Powders for Breastfeeding Moms

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Here I’m sharing my top pics for protein powder safe for breastfeeding and pregnant moms. Read on for my recommendations!

If you’re a breastfeeding mama, you may be trying to increase your daily protein intake or nutritional intake to support your and your baby’s optimal health. This isn’t just about taking in more protein for the athletic mamas, but protein is an important building block in your healthy diet that helps build muscle, repairs connective tissues, and makes enzymes and hormones.

These things are necessary for all new moms.

Protein can also play an important role in enhancing our immune systems, which may be negatively impacted during pregnancy and when breastfeeding. You’re also likely looking for a convenient way to add enough protein and essential nutrients to your regular diet due to decreased time on your hands.

Aside from obtaining extra protein from real food sources (e.g. lentils, eggs, almonds, chicken, greek yogurt, other dairy products, etc.), protein powders are a great way for us to easily and conveniently get in additional protein and nutrients through shakes or other protein-enhanced recipes.

Protein shakes are also a healthy and easy way to support postpartum weight loss in addition to the whole food protein sources you’re packing in. Today, there are lots of different kinds of protein powders boasting various flavors, protein levels, health benefits, etc.

But the common question is – are these products a safe option to eat or drink when breastfeeding? I mean, we’re careful with everything else we’re putting in our body when breastfeeding, right?

The good news is, if you’re searching for the best protein powder that’s safe for you and your baby while breastfeeding, I have plenty of great suggestions that can help you out!

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What to Look for in Safe Protein Powder

Many protein powders contain a long list of artificial ingredients that are almost impossible to say and may contain heavy metals or unnecessary amounts of sugar. It’s best to try to avoid these ingredients as they may not be good for you or for your baby.

Try looking for a natural protein powder preferably with organic, clean ingredients. The fewer ingredients, the better! 

Things to look for in clean protein powder: Natural ingredients, organic ingredients, healthy fats, digestive enzymes, essential amino acids, Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin B12, and digestive enzyme blend.

Things to try and avoid: Heavy metals, excessive ingredient list, unnecessary amounts of sugar and artificial sweeteners, caffeine, fat-burning mixes, guarana, ginseng, and green tea extract.

Important Things to Remember

  • Different protein powders provide various nutritional values you will need to monitor to ensure you’re not getting excessive amounts of any vitamin within your diet and to ensure you’re meeting the nutritional needs of you and your growing baby. As you begin to introduce a protein powder into your diet while breastfeeding, make sure you monitor you and your baby’s reaction. If you or your baby are showing an allergic or adverse reaction, you may need to try a different protein powder base that meets your dietary needs and/or also consult with your doctor.
  • You may also want to consider grams of protein and number of calories per serving. While protein drinks can help you obtain proper nutrition daily and an adequate amount of protein needed to support your milk production, relying too heavily on protein drinks as a meal replacement can hurt your milk supply if you’re not getting enough calories across sources and throughout the day. On the other hand, having too much protein in your diet may lead to high risk of heart disease and/or digestive issues. Make sure you review dietary guidelines for breastfeeding moms or, if you’re unsure of how much protein you need in your diet, you may need to consult with a nutritionist.
  • Below are some high quality clean protein powders that meet the previously discussed suggestions. Each has their own benefits, such as the amount of protein, supporting a healthy milk supply, or containing vital nutrients needed in your diet. Not only are these safe for breastfeeding, but we have many options for the mamas who might be avoiding animal products, or if you’re particularly sensitive to dairy protein or soy proteins. Read through these options to identify the best choice for you – there are other great protein supplements out there though if these options do not work for you.

Don’t forget to consult with your doctor if you have concerns! This information does not take the place of any health advice given to you by your healthcare professional.

Check out our healthy meal plan ideas to help you save time!

Protein Powders to Try

Ora Organics

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Ora Organics is an organic, plant-based and completely vegan protein powder made from all natural ingredients. It has 22 grams of protein and has added superfoods for micronutrients and essential amino acids.

It contains pea protein and rice protein that include digestive enzymes to help prevent bloating. This option comes in three flavors: chocolate, vanilla, and vanilla chai.

Milk Dust Protein Powder

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Another organic option – Milk Dust is a powder made from several plant proteins including pea protein, brown rice protein, chia seeds, pumpkins seeds, and flax seeds. It has 16 grams of protein and is diary, soy, and gluten-free with no artificial sweeteners.

Nutrients and vitamins are added to curb sugar cravings to support weight loss post-pregnancy. There are many blends to choose from based on your needs: protein blend, lactation blend, blood sugar blend, and energy green blend. Milk Dust also sells lactation bars if you’re looking for a snack to help supplement your nutrients.

Majka Nourishing Lactation Protein Powder

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Majka is a vegan protein powder made from organic pea protein, rice protein, and chia seed protein with no artificial sweeteners. It has 15 grams of protein per serving and is dairy-, gluten- and soy-free.

Again there are different blends available based on your bodily needs. The signature blend contains ginger root, turmeric root extract, sesame seed, turmeric root extract, sesame seed, caraway seed, clove flower and fennel seed.

There is also a special lactation blend which has galactagogues to support mineral loss, a fruit and greens blend which boosts the ability to reduce the likelihood of contracting or developing diseases such as cancers, an enzyme blend that supports digestion, and a prebiotic/probiotic blend that helps boost the new mama’s and baby’s immune systems, helps eliminate toxins and helps fight against diseases.

This powder comes in green vanilla and chocolate flavors. Majka also sells lactation bites if you’re looking for a snack to help supplement your nutrients.

While we are focusing on the best powders for breastfeeding mamas, it is important to note that the Majka brand also prides itself on offering products for pregnant women that promote a healthy pregnancy. With my fourth child, I turned to their hydration booster which helped with my morning sickness.


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Orgain is an organic, vegan protein powder that is dairy-, lactose-, gluten, and soy-free with no added sugars. It has 21 grams of protein and 150 calories per serving from plant-based proteins including pea, brown rice, and chia seeds.

Each Orgain protein powder contains an organic superfood blend with an antioxidant boost. What a wonderful way to meet your protein body needs, as well as boost that immune system!

It comes in chocolate and vanilla, as well as several other limited-edition flavors that frequently rotate. Orgain may be a good option for many as it is widely available and can often be found at your local grocery store, Target, and Costco.

If you are like me and love vanilla protein powder (it’s just so versatile!), check out these yummy Orgain vanilla protein powder recipes!

Go Good Protein Blends

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Guess what? We have another organic option! How lucky are we to live in a time with so many options for healthy, complete proteins that are also organic? Go Good is derived from vegan pea protein (they also have a whey protein formula) that is blended with fruits and superfoods and is gluten- and soy-free. It contains 23 grams of protein per serving and has no added sugars, fillers, or additives. I love the coffee flavor, but it also comes in vanilla and chocolate.

Milk Drunk Protein Powder

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Milk Drunk is a vegan pea protein powder that is gluten-, soy-, and dairy-free. It contains 18 grams of protein per serving and has brewer’s yeast, oat flour, and flaxseed which supports your production of breast milk. These flavors sound delicious! The options include: vanilla, chocolate, salted caramel, mocha, and strawberry.

As a mom of 4 and an athlete, I am so grateful for these safe-for-breastfeeding protein powders and the companies that have taken the time and consideration to develop such amazing products!

Now shake up and enjoy the benefits of these safe protein powders! If you’re not a fan of shakes, there are a plethora of good ideas for recipes made with protein powder or try to mix your protein powder with fresh fruits, chia seeds, or oatmeal. Surely we can find a yummy way to fit more protein into your meal plan!

Be sure to check out my tips for collagen for moms and natural and organic BCAAs too!

Comment below with your favorite protein and flavor! 

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Amanda Seghetti profile

Amanda is a mom of 4 living a mostly crunchy lifestyle outside of Atlanta, GA with her husband, 2 dogs, and a cat. As a former special education teacher who also has her personal training certification — Amanda really enjoys teaching others how to do things!

When she’s not working, Amanda enjoys DIY projects, exercising, photography, hiking, and long walks through Target.

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