Nerf Armory Tutorial
Want a simple but cool storage option for all those Nerf blasters?
Try this DIY Nerf armory - super easy and budget friendly!
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Light Yellow Arrow
– pegboards (I used 4)
– pegboard hooks and storage bins
– screws and driver to mount pegboards
– wood and paint for armory sign
Green Curved Line
Green Round Banner
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Step 1: Set out all your materials.
Green Curved Line
Arrange your pegboards in the shape you want them.
Step 2: Attach pegboards to wall
Green Curved Line
A level can help make sure your pegboards are straight.
Step 3: Arrange and hang Nerf blasters
Green Curved Line
Start with the bigger blasters, then fill in remaining space with smaller blasters.
Step 4: Paint your armory sign.
Green Curved Line
I used stencils and spray paint for this one.
Step 5: Hang your sign
Green Curved Line
Attach your sign to the wall and enjoy your new Nerf armory storage area!
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